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Steve DelBuono
Steve Delbuono

Jon and Ken are glad Steve as their bass player, and friend. Steve's bass playing adds a strong rhythmic and harmonic foundation to the band. Additionally, Steve is an exuberant lead singer, and adds background and harmony vocals as well.

Steve is fond of playing his vintage Hofner Beatle bass, which plays he left handed like his idol, Paul McCartney. Steve has a lot of fun playing in the band, and is usually dancing around with a smile on his face.

Both Jon and Ken congratulate Steve on the hard work he put into earning his position as "the man on bass"!

Here's a few pictures of Steve, click on any one to enlarge and use the back button on your browser to return.

Arts in the Park 2004

Grumpy's pig roast 2004

catching flies

paying attention!

here's Steve singing lead with "The Happening". Groovy!

from the original series of promo pictures of "The Happening"

Steve doesn't usually play his Rickerbacker

Steve "grooving" with Jon at one of their last gigs with "The Happening"
Come and see Steve at our next gig!

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